3 Possible Consequences of Not Having the Minimum Florida Liability Insurance

by | Jan 20, 2015 | Insurance

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With finances being tight for a lot of people, many decide to go without car insurance, even the most minimum form of florida liability insurance. This is never a very good idea, and going without insurance can often result in a lot of penalties and unfortunate consequences. Here are a few of the possible consequences that can arise from going without any form of florida liability insurance.

Hefty Traffic Fines

Not holding any form of insurance makes you susceptible to quite a few penalties of the law. Not only can you potentially get jail time and license suspension, but you run the risk of a ticket for hefty traffic fines as well. Depending on the state and the circumstances, these fines can range anywhere from a few hundred to five thousand. Sometimes you can fight these fines if you produce insurance within a certain amount of time after the issuing, but frequently you cannot.

High Medical Bills

The traffic penalties are not fun, but the real consequences come if you get into a wreck. If you sustain any injuries during the accident, without insurance you will not be able to cover any medical bills. Many health insurances do not cover a car-related injury, and so you will likely be out of pocket whatever money you need for treatment, depending on the severity of your injuries.

Car Accident Lawsuit

Without insurance, not only are you going to be responsible for your own injuries and losses, but you can potentially be sued by the other party if you were the cause of the accident. Depending on the circumstances and severity of the accident can depend on how hefty the suit may be and how much money you will be set back. This does not even include the cost of a lawyer if you decide to get one for your case.

As you can see, going without even the most minimal form of insurance can be a huge mistake. Not only are you subject to penalties of the law, but you will always be in a mess if you happen to get into a car accident. If you are currently without insurance, don’t risk the worst any longer and find a valid insurance company as soon as possible.

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