3 Ways a Vampire Facial Can Help You Look Younger in Los Angeles, CA

by | Dec 12, 2022 | Health and Medical

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Platement-rich plasma therapy, popularly known as the “vampire facial,” uses plasma harvested from your own blood. With the help of microneedling, the plasma penetrates your skin to trigger its healing response, resulting in visibly improved skin. Here are three ways a vampire facial in Los Angeles, CA can help you look younger and more refreshed.

Ways a Vampire Facial Can Help You Look Younger

1. Boosts Collagen Production

Collagen keeps skin tight and elastic, and you slowly produce less of it as you age. When the skin experiences trauma, such as the kind delivered through microneedling, the surrounding cells will produce new collagen to heal the damage. The microneedles used in a vampire facial are small enough to deliver trauma in a purposeful, controlled way. Once the skin heals completely, it will be left looking fresher than before thanks to an increase in collagen.

2. Evens Tone and Texture

Your skin will accumulate signs of wear as you age, including hyperpigmentation, scars, stretch marks, and enlarged pores. After receiving a vampire facial in Los Angeles, CA, the skin will create new, healthy cells to replace old, damaged ones. In the end, you should see an improvement in your skin’s tone and texture, restoring your youthfulness.

3. Diminishes Fine Lines and Wrinkles

The boost in collagen and the production of healthy skin cells naturally make the skin tighten. This will eventually smooth out lines, folds, and wrinkles in your face. Fine lines and early wrinkles will be made nearly invisible, while deep-set wrinkles will show improvement.

Rejuvenate Yourself

A vampire facial should be performed by a trained professional. If you’re interested in a vampire facial in Los Angeles, CA, contact Skin Code LA at website to schedule a consultation.

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