Fulfilling Financial Obligations Through The Purchase Of Auto Insurance In Reading, PA

by | Jun 23, 2014 | Business

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Pennsylvania laws restrict any driver from operating a motor vehicle of any kind without adequate automobile insurance coverage. Accidents happen and without coverage, the financial responsibility of the driver is not fulfilled. When this is the case, the probability that the victim will not receive coverage for medical costs is an almost certainty.
Financial Responsibility

All no-fault states require drivers to purchase no less than liability insurance to fulfill their obligations to all drivers on the road. Pennsylvania is no exception to this rule. Any driver who is discovered driving with Auto Insurance in Reading PA will suffer the penalties associated with this moving violation. These penalties begin with a $300 fine for any driver who fails to provide proof of insurance. The driver also suffers a three-month suspension of their driver’s license and vehicle registration.

Once the driver has acquired at least liability insurance following the duration of their punishment, the DMV can restore their driver’s license and vehicle registration. However, they are responsible for paying all associated fees for this restoration. In some cases, the county impounds the vehicle to prevent accident or injury while the owner has failed to maintain insurance as outlined under traffic laws.

Although the purpose of requiring financial responsibility obligations is to deter the possibility of litigation, an accident victim can seek damages when their injuries are permanent, cause loss of limb, or an irreparable disfigurement. It is these cases that are less likely to be resolved through an insurance claim alone. When this is the case, the victim has the legal right to seek legal counsel to assist them in acquiring compensation for their injuries.

The lack of automobile insurance could lead to considerable costs for the driver and all victims who are involved. When drivers are classified as high risks, the state may impose stricter insurance requirements upon them. For instance, any driver who is convicted of DUI in Pennsylvania is required to maintain SR-22 insurance as a condition of their penalties to cover these higher risks.

If you need Auto Insurance in Reading PA today, you should Click here for further details.

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