Your Smile Can Be Restored With Dental Implants in Keizer OR

by | Jan 16, 2017 | Dentist

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Having an incomplete smile can make individuals feel self-conscious and can cause difficulties with chewing. Thankfully, missing teeth can be replaced with dental implants in Keizer OR. Implants can be used to replace one or more teeth and can also be put into place to hold a complete denture plate. If a person has missing teeth, a consultation appointment can allow the dentist to determine if the patient will be a good candidate for the procedure.

When a person comes in for a consultation for dental implants in Keizer OR, the dentist will need to perform a thorough examination. The gums and the teeth must be healthy for the implantation of implants. There also must be ample bone growth in the socket. If bone growth has diminished in the socket, the dentist may be able to perform a bone graft to encourage new growth and prevent further loss.

There must be ample bone growth for an implant to be able to be put in place. The first part of the procedure is the placement of the implant base. This implant is typically made of titanium because it can be accepted by the bone. As the bone cells grow around the implant base, it becomes a permanent part of the jawbone, just like the natural tooth roots would. In fact, it becomes even stronger, allowing for a base that is very difficult to dislodge.

There are three parts to every dental implant. The first and most important part is the base, and then an abutment is attached to the top which joins the base with the dental crown. Once all of the pieces of the implant have been assembled, the only visible part above the gumline is the dental crown. Implants allow smiles to be restored with a natural look that can last a lifetime.

If you are dealing with missing teeth and would like to learn about your options for tooth replacement, Browse Our Website. Scheduling a consultation appointment with the dentist will allow you to get started on the process of restoring your smile and improving your ability to chew.

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