Having a complete roofing system is a primary way to guard against outside pollutants. It’s also a prudent means to maintain a high property value. When a roofing system needs a repair or replacement, take the time to ask a few questions before any work is done. The following queries will help a homeowner decide which roofer to hire for a Roof Repair in Nashville.
Ask for Proof of Insurance
It’s crucial for a homeowner to ask for proof of insurance. Ask to see a certificate of insurance. This document is evidence of an active insurance contract. Liability insurance covers workplace injuries and accidents. Look for the effective and expiration dates. No work should be done on your home unless it is between these dates or on one or both of these dates. A certificate of insurance should also list the insured, type of insurance on the policy, and the limits of the insurance coverage.
Ask for References
It’s beneficial to ask the roofer for a one or two references. These sources can be residential or commercial customers. Don’t be hesitant about calling a person who can attest to the good reputation of a roofer. This is an opportunity to ask questions about the roofer’s quality of workmanship and customer service. Ensure that you request permission to call each reference during a suitable time of day.
Ask About Refuse Disposal
Depending on the scope of a Roof Repair in Nashville, debris such as old building materials and packaging for new materials may build up. It’s important to know how these items will be discarded. Most roofers will haul away any rubbish to an appropriate place. Also, inquire how refuse will be kept until it can be taken away. It can be unsightly for a build-up of old, rotten materials to remain scattered throughout the yard until they are taken away.
The above-mentioned queries are just a few questions to pose before hiring a roofer. Ensure that additional questions are asked to understand the way a roofer conducts business and takes care of customers. For information on roofing services, please talk to an expert at H.E. Parmer.