Get the Facts on Disability Benefits from a Top Wheaton Disability Lawyer

by | Jun 21, 2018 | Law Services

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Trying to make sense out of the tangled information and paperwork from the Social Security and Disability Office in Illinois can be frustrating for the average person. Individuals that have had or develop a serious health condition or disability that keeps them from gainful employment might be eligible to receive certain disability benefits that can include important healthcare insurance coverage and possible monetary compensation. Get the facts on disability benefits from a top disability attorney in Wheaton. This law firm is well acquainted with the state laws regarding SS and SSDI benefits. Let these helpful attorneys assist you or your loved one in reading, understanding and filling out the required application and additional paperwork involved in the claim for SSDI or SS benefits.

The benefits of consulting with a legal team that has specialized in SS and SSDI law for over 50 successful years adds up to a lot. This local law firm only takes on these kinds of cases, and they are always up-to-date on the very latest laws passed that refer to this legal field. Other attorneys without this specialized knowledge may be lacking in pertinent current case laws. When clients speak with this respected disability attorney in the Wheaton, Illinois area, they get the best disability legal representation that is available.

Many disabled individuals decide to pursue signing up for disability payments and benefits on their own. Since these complex laws are so vast, the state office that governs these cases must require precise documentation submitted within a strict deadline period. One simple clerical error or a single missed deadline can result in an initial denial of the claim. Call for your free evaluation with a leading disability attorney in Wheaton. Contact Jeffery A. Rabin & Associates, Ltd., by accessing, or call 1-888-529-0600 or 847-299-0008. Like us on our facebook page.

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