Reasons to Hire a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Attorney

by | Jul 1, 2019 | Attorney

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People file for bankruptcy all the time, especially when they lose their jobs, go out of business or overextend their debts. That’s when it’s time to talk to a bankruptcy attorney, who can inform you what you options are. If you’re in a situation where you need a Chapter 7 bankruptcy attorney in Valdosta, here are some key advantages of hiring one.

Relatively Inexpensive
While the expense can vary by region, you’ll likely pay between $1,000 and $3,000 for most Chapter 7 bankruptcy cases, and you can usually spread that out over several payments. This is relatively inexpensive compared to many other types of legal services.

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Attorneys Valdosta will be able to assess your situation to see if you need to file for Chapter 7 or 13 bankruptcy. In a Chapter 7 case, your income and assets have to be relatively low, meaning you have no way of paying your bills. These attorneys are also well-versed in all aspects of bankruptcy law and help clients all day long.

Pragmatic Advice
After determining what assets you can keep, Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Attorneys Valdosta will determine what’s best for you during this process. For example, you may lease an expensive car, but your attorney may advise you against keeping it because of the high payments.

Better Chance of Getting Debt Discharged
Your Chapter 7 bankruptcy attorney will have a much better chance of getting your debt discharged than if you tried to represent yourself. In most cases, you can discharge everything from credit cards to mortgages, but not taxes.

One of several Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Attorneys Valdosta will represent you in court or in front of other parties involved in the bankruptcy process. This means he’ll argue your case when you meet with these individuals, including a judge.

To know more about how to hire a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Attorneys visit.

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