With more individuals living longer, the number of older folks who require assistance is growing. More spouses and adult children are taking on the role of family caregivers for elderly loved ones who suffer from disorders such as Alzheimer’s and other illnesses. The “unexpected career of caring,” as it has been dubbed, employs millions of Americans.
It is anticipated that more individuals will require care soon. Due to the numerous demands of caring, there is a significant danger of burnout or disease from the emotional, mental, and physical toll over time. Therefore, the caregiver and the person receiving care may find elderly care in Alexandria, VA helpful.
Understanding Respite Care
Respite or elderly care in Alexandria, VA is scheduled for only a few hours to many days or weeks and provides primary family caregivers with temporary rest. The idea is to offer the patient a brief vacation from being on guard all the time by giving an alternate caregiver.
Family caregivers are likely to go above and beyond what they can handle because they feel compelled to be obedient spouses, kids, or siblings. However, going at it alone is a bad idea, especially if the family caregiver has health problems.
Options for Respite Care
Services such as Business Name provide a variety of alternatives, such as companionship, homemaking help, and home health aides who take care of personal care requirements, including washing, dressing, toileting, and mobility support. Aides can help the primary family caregiver with laundry, grocery shopping, and food preparation. Additionally, some organizations offer nurse services to administer medications, basic wound care/dressing changes, and other forms of support.