What You Should Know Before Exercising Your Texas Open Carry Rights

by | May 4, 2023 | Law Services

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Are you considering taking advantage of your right to carry a handgun in Texas legally? While everyone needs to know their rights, there are several things that all gun owners should be aware of before exercising their open carry rights. Here’s an overview of what you should know before exercising your Texas open carry rights.

Qualifications to Carry the Gun

To legally open carry in Texas, you must meet a few requirements. First and foremost, you must be 21 years of age or older. In addition, you must have a valid license to carry (LTC) issued by the state of Texas. It is illegal to open carry if you do not have a valid LTC.

Prohibited Weapons

In addition to certain places, specific weapons are prohibited from being openly carried. These include machine guns, short-barreled firearms, explosives, and firearms made with silencers. If you are uncertain whether your weapon qualifies as prohibited, contact a Kemah criminal defense lawyer for assistance.

Where You Can Carry the Gun

If you are legally eligible to open carry, there are specific locations where it is still prohibited or restricted by law. For example, carrying weapons on college campuses and in areas of churches and other places of worship is prohibited. Ensure you know all the places where gun carrying is illegal before exercising your right to open carry.

Carrying a Concealed Gun

It is essential to understand that open and concealed carry are different. Open carry refers to visibly carrying the weapon on your person, while concealed carry involves hiding the gun from plain view. In most cases, you need a special license for concealed carry.

What To Do If You Are Stopped By Police

Suppose police stop you while open carrying, remain calm and be prepared to present your valid LTC. It is essential always to follow the directions of a law enforcement officer, even if you believe the stop was unjustified. Remember that if you are charged with a crime involving your open-carry weapon, you should immediately contact a Kemah criminal defense lawyer for legal assistance.

Contact Mark Diaz & Associates to learn more about what you should know before exercising your Texas open carry rights. Their professional Kemah criminal defense lawyer is ready to help protect your rights and provide legal advice.

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