Choosing Music for Your Wedding Day

by | Sep 23, 2016 | Arts and Entertainment

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Your wedding day is going to be one of the most important and spectacular days of your life so everything has to be a reflection of you on your special day. Choosing the music for your wedding day is one of the most important parts of planning a wedding. If you are hiring wedding DJ services in Charleston, you need to make sure you have your playlist ready to hand over to them. So you may be wondering, how do I choose the perfect playlist for that perfect day?

Talk it Over

In order to ensure that the play list you choose is the best that it can get, you will want to make sure that you talk it over with your future spouse. It is important that both parties are represented so that your personalities come through at the wedding.

Make a List

You will first want to make a tentative list of the songs that you would like to have played at the wedding. This list will be much longer than the time allotted at the wedding, but it best to start off big and then narrow it down to your favorite tunes. Go through your music collection and make sure to include all of your favorite songs as a couple and individually.


Make sure that you pick out songs for specific dances such as the father/bride dance, and the first dance as bride and groom. These are the moments that are really going to stand out at the wedding so you will want to make sure that the songs mean as much to you as the dances do.

A DJ can help you to decide what goes well together in terms of genre and style. Make your day as close to perfect as possible with your favorite tunes. Contact DJ Rehab for wedding DJ service in Charleston.

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