Get a Criminal Defense Lawyer in Des Plaines to Join You in Traffic Court

by | Dec 4, 2023 | Lawyers and Law Firms

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Did you recently get a moving violation and a date in traffic court? Don’t take the situation lightly! Depending on the severity and frequency of the violation, you can end up losing your license, paying fines, and even potentially getting jail time. When you have traffic court, you need to get a criminal defense lawyer in Des Plaines to help reduce your charges.

Moving Violations

Moving violations cover a large number of crimes against the rules of the road, including speeding, improper passing, and running a red light.

Illinois works on a point system. Every moving violation incurs a certain amount of points on your driving record. Even small violations add up. Too many points on your account can lead to the suspension of your license.

The point system works differently for drivers under the age of 21 and drivers above the age of 21.

Driving on a Suspended License

If your license is suspended, the courts expect you to adhere to the suspension. Driving on a suspended license can lead to an even longer suspension of your license.

Your lawyer can help you put yourself in the best position possible before your next court date. They may also negotiate your sentence with the court so that you get special driving privileges to get to and from work.


It is illegal to drive with a blood alcohol content over .08. Considering how dangerous it can be to drive drunk, the courts take the charge very seriously. A lawyer can help minimize the damage to your pocketbook and your ability to drive.

If you need a criminal defense lawyer in Des Plaines, schedule a consultation with Villadonga & Villadonga Attorneys at Law.

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