Reasons to Waterproof Basement in Wakefield MA

by | Aug 19, 2019 | Home Improvement

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A home’s basement can be used for a variety of reasons. Reasons may include adding extra space for family gatherings, providing extra bedrooms for a growing family, or simply as a space for storing food and other items. It is important to take care of the basement just as one would for other areas of the home. One important way to ensure it is well cared for is to make it a waterproof basement in Wakefield MA. There are certain benefits that come with basement waterproofing. The most important one being that it keeps unwanted water from seeping into the home and destroying the structure.

Reasons to Waterproof a Basement

Listed below are few more reasons to consider making the basement waterproof.

Prevent Flooding. Flash flooding can pose a serious threat to any home but especially homes with basements that extend below ground level. Basement waterproofing will protect the home from severe water damage that could ruin precious values and heirlooms.

Mold and mildew prevention. Water leaks not associated with the flooding can create mold and other mildew to develop from excess moisture. A waterproof basement in Wakefield MA can help to keep the home’s inhabitants healthy.

Prevention of foundation cracks. Moisture that is caught in small porous surfaces of the home’s foundation can cause the foundation to crack. This is due to the moisture expanding as it sits. A cracked foundation can cause the home’s overall structural integrity to diminish. Waterproofing the basement can minimize the risk of costly foundation repairs.

Reduction in energy costs. A basement that is waterproof will insulate the entire home much better than insulation alone. A well-insulated home will reduce the amount of money paid in heating and cooling bills throughout the year.

Increase in property value. A basement that is waterproofed will add property value to the home. It also adds protection and security from mold, mildew and foundation cracks which are appealing to potential home buyers.

Contact a Professional Today

For more information on the ways a waterproofed basement can benefit your home, ways to waterproof your basement, or to schedule an appointment, contact us today.

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