If you get an illustration degree, you will develop and refine studio methods and skills. These include moving images, sketching, digital media, photography, and specialist software. All of these are must-haves if you’re going to work as a professional illustrator. Additionally, while earning your illustration degree, you will develop transferable skills that employees seek.
It would be best to walk away from your education with interpersonal skills. This allows you to communicate with clients and agree on a brief before beginning work. You will use imaginative skills to flush out your client’s ideas. Your education will train you on time management and what is needed to meet deadlines.
Getting a degree in illustration can help you learn how to have an adaptable and flexible approach to solving problems and adapting to your client’s ideas. You will have the tools necessary to run your own business.
Once you have your degree, you will have your pick of career choices. You could take a traditional path to create storyboards, comic strips, and animation. Illustrators can find work in film, video games, producing website content, and doing freelance work. Having your degree opens up doors that might have otherwise been closed to you, including the ability to work with creative design and advertising agencies. Some illustrators take less traditional paths and work as science or medical illustrators.
Learn how the School of the Art Institute of Chicago has been helping educate some of the greatest artists in America for the last 150 years when you visit their website.