When pests are found in your home, it can often seem like a never-ending battle to keep their numbers under control. One would think it would be easier to just let them go and stop fighting. However, if pests run rampant, it can lead to a high number of losses in the home and for the health of those around.
Each year, 600,000 Americans are affected by pests, and the average termite repair can cost around $3,300. If these pests are allowed to roam around the home, they will cause insurmountable damage to not only the quality of life but the wallet. If this sounds familiar, contact those who specialize in Spider Control in Sunshine West.
What Are Pests?
Pests are creatures that affect the quality and standards of living to an extreme and may compromise the health of an individual. These pests cause millions of dollars in damage each year while also causing people to visit hospitals. The most common types of pests are spiders, termites, mice, carpenter ants, bedbugs, fire ants and cockroaches.
Bedbugs can be varying shades of red and brown and are no bigger than 3/16 of an inch. They also have six legs. Producing three to five eggs per day, a mature bedbug usually produces about 28 eggs in a week, and 120 in a month. It takes the offspring about 30 days to mature and continue the cycle. Bedbugs can live anywhere from 12 to 18 months and may go a year or more without feeding. Bedbugs reproduce and “replenish” very quickly, which makes them very hard to control.
Many kinds of spiders live in and around dwellings. Some, such as the cellar spider, construct webs to help trap their prey. Others, like the wolf spider, are free roaming and make no webs. Most spiders are harmless, but there are those in certain climates that can pose a health hazard.
If thinking about ways to improve the quality of your home and life, contact the experienced professionals who specialize in spider treatment. Then you can have peace of mind. Contact Flick Anticimex today for more information.