The Importance of Machine Vision Systems in Minnesota

by | Nov 14, 2018 | Repair Services

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If you run a manufacturing facility, quality control is one of your biggest concerns. In fact, it is important to visually inspect everything before it leaves your warehouse for the customer. Instead of using human inspectors, machine vision systems in Minnesota can do the work better. Here is more about the subject and some of its applications.

How Does Machine Vision Work?

Machine vision refers to extracting information from digital images automatically. You need three basic components for the system. They are:

* Camera – either analog or digital

* Image digitizer – turns an image into language a computer can understand.

* Computer processor

These three components make up a smart camera. Smart cameras may also have special hardware, lenses, and lighting. Some have motion sensors too.

Better Than Human Eyes

You could place someone on an assembly line to check parts, but by using machine vision systems in Minnesota you have three important benefits:

* Speed – much faster than people

* Consistency – you receive the same work each time

* Endurance – never gets tired. Never needs a break and does not require sick days or vacation time. It can run twenty-four hours every day and seven days a week.


Machine vision systems in Minnesota can check measurements of machined or manufactured parts to make sure they meet specific tolerances and criteria. A good example is checking spark plug gaps.


Smart vision systems check for parts on a workpiece to see if anything is missing. An example of counting is checking to see how many holes get drilled into a part.


Part position or orientation is very important. A vision system can make sure gasket or plate holes are in the right place and position.


Decoding identifies parts by barcode scanning. It can also scan data matrix codes for smartphones and other technologies.

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