The Various Forms of Real Estate Disputes

by | Dec 24, 2015 | Attorney

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At some point in your life, you may end up in a situation where a real estate attorney is needed. This can be due to a range of reasons including neighbor disputes, forced evictions, breech of real estate contract, eminent domain, construction defects, and much more. Having a thorough idea of the situation and how it can be handled is where a real estate attorney in the Montclair NJ area will come in. With their expert representation, you may soon be getting the results you want in court, or at least be able to provide a thorough case at that time.

Disputes and Disagreements

A real estate attorney is no stranger to dealing with disputes. It may be between a property owner and a construction company, a land lord and a tenant, or between neighbors. It could even be between a property owner and the government when eminent domain comes into play. Regardless of the situation, having a well versed lawyer on your side is an important first step to take. As a tenant of a property, certain obligations are required including making rent payment on time and keeping the home in good condition. For a land lord, regular maintenance and quick repair are always important. When one of these is not met, disputes can arise, and when it becomes more than just a small argument, lawyers may be needed on both sides to protect each party from false claims or unnecessary slander.

Having Trouble with a Neighbor?

Disputes between a land lord and a tenant are bad enough, but when it ends up being between you and a neighbor an entirely new can of worms can be opened. For example, boundary disputes can result in your neighbor claiming your yard is too large, or your favorite prized apple tree is hanging too far over the fence. Pets and animals in a neighboring yard may be disruptive, causing unhappiness with neighbors and ultimately ending with the removal of those pets. Disputes can also arise when a neighbor is being too loud or unruly, or when their behavior is disruptive to your own life. This can include overly loud music, parties until the early morning hours, sounds of domestic abuse from their home, etc. No matter what the problem may be, a dispute can be raised on it. To ensure you are not the victim of a false claim, be sure to find representation with a real estate attorney.

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