If you’re disabled and unable to work or if you’re of the age for retirement, then you could be eligible to receive Supplemental Security Income benefits. Here are a few tips to keep in mind to make the process a bit smoother.
The Application
When you make the decision to apply for SSI in Halifax, you want to begin the process a few months before you want to get your payments. This will allow time for the application to go through the proper channels and get processed and a decision to be made. It also gives you time to hire an attorney if you feel that you’ll need assistance or if you are denied benefits the first time you apply.
Before you apply for SSI in Halifax, you want to make sure you’re eligible to receive benefits. There are certain criteria that you need to meet if you claim that you’re disabled. There are also age qualifications that you need to meet if you’re not at retirement age. Consider talking with an attorney or someone with the Social Security Administration who can give you a free screening to determine if you’re eligible before applying.
If you know that you’re going to need the money from SSI to pay your bills and to take care of your family, you want to try to budget as much as possible until you do start getting payments. It could be a few months before your application is approved, so you don’t want to live outside your means. Try to cut back on eating out, some of the extra bills you have, and the things that aren’t essential in your life to save money.
Learn more about applying for SSI by contacting Cunningham Law Group.