Nothing adds to the welcome appeal and beauty of a home than miles of clean, shiny floors. But if you’re coming home to sticky floors, full of dirt and dust, then that’s hardly going to put you in the mood to unwind and relax. Don’t let the dirt stress you out. Here are a few ways to clear the dirt away:
Vacuum every week
Dust doesn’t stick to a once-a-month schedule. It’s constantly there, every day, every week. So if you want to keep your hardwood floors protected, make an effort to do a weekly vacuum sweep.
Take off your shoes
Want to keep your floor free of scuffs and scratches? Nothing does that better than the dirt and grit that gets inside your home. And no, it isn’t your open windows that let it all in, it’s your shoes. Every day, you out the door and come back, and who knows what your soles have picked up? Don’t bring the grit inside your home. Take off your shoes by the door and have indoor slippers handy instead.
Use floor protectors
For high-traffic areas, you can install a carpet to minimize impact on your floors. For play areas, you can put in rugs, says Better Homes and Gardens. These not only improve your interiors—in the right color, style and design, rugs add a visual punch to your space—you also keep your children from putting in new dents and scratches on your floors with their toys.
Mop up spills, fast!
Don’t let those stains and spills set into the wood and ruin the finish on your hardwood floors. Clean them up right away.
Ask experts for help
If your floors have long lost their shine, no worries. You can ask hardwood restorers to help you out. Ask around for referrals or go online to get a name. By relying on pros, you’ll have your shiny, new-looking hardwood floors in no time.