Tips to Prevent Swimming Pool Algae

by | Mar 31, 2015 | Home and Garden

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If you own a swimming pool, chances are you have dealt with swimming pool algae at some point. Even when you have a filtration system that is working properly and sanitizers at the recommended levels, algae blooms may still develop. The spores from algae can get into your pool in a number of different ways, but most commonly finds its way into your pool through dirt, rain, wind and even the body or bathing suit of those enjoying the pool. Keeping the algae spores away from your swimming pool is impossible, which means you must ensure the spores do not turn into actual algae blooms. Keeping swimming pool algae at bay will keep your family and your pool healthy and happy.

Ensure the Circulation System Runs Properly

When your swimming pool’s circulation system is in proper working condition, you have nothing to worry about in terms of swimming pool algae. To keep this system up and running, you need to clean and inspect the pump strainer baskets and skimmer regularly. This ensures the sanitizing chemicals are able to flow evenly through the pool.

In addition to emptying the pump strainer baskets and skimmer, it is also essential you clean the filter. The filters can get clogged with debris and dirt, requiring some simple maintenance. No matter the type of filter is in use, it is important to clean it regularly.

Keep Sanitizers at Desired Levels

Since swimming pool algae is a problem you cannot completely avoid, it is important to kill any spores that make their way into the water before they are able to bloom. This can be done with the proper level of chlorine or other sanitizing agent. If you use chlorine for keeping your pool sanitized, it needs to stay at a level of 2.0 to 4.0 parts per million.

Shock Your Pool Regularly

Shocking your pool on a weekly basis will eliminate any spores that the regular sanitizing agent may have missed. These shock treatments are made with and without chlorine, allowing you to choose the one that is right for you.

Brush and Vacuum the Pool

The pool steps, floors and walls are where you will most commonly find algae. If you do not treat this the algae can grow roots into the cracks present in these surfaces, making it extremely difficult to remove them. By brushing or vacuuming your pool on a weekly basis, you can prevent the problem from becoming difficult to handle.

You can also invest in professional service to get rid of and prevent the future development of swimming pool algae. Doing this will eliminate the work and time you have to put into maintaining your swimming pool and ensure it is clean and healthy when you want to go swim.

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