Marketing teams can paralyzed or galvanized by global crises of the kind we are experiencing with the coronavirus pandemic, with marketing teams being cut back or even laid off completely by some companies.
However other companies are displaying a tad more agility and developing interesting methods of continuing to engage with their audience in these trying times.
Business owners have a responsibility to balance financial responsibilities with the essential requirement of ensuring that customers are kept engaged and informed during difficult periods.
Increasing marketing speed has been shown to be the best approach during times of economic uncertainty, according to research, as when the economy does pick up again no business wants to find itself lagging behind its competitors.
The attitude and behavior of customers has been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic, with many consumers adopting new habits and trying new products and brands they may stick with after the crisis has passed.
Businesses need to be proactive in regards to monitoring the changing behavior of their customers and their purchasing requirements during the crisis.
One good tip for businesses is to move forward but to do so with empathy. Direct marketing strategies that should be employed during this time include leveraging existing research and customer voice programs to find out the emotional reasons for the changing behaviors and attitudes of customers.
Another good tip is to tell stories that feel relevant and authentic to these times.
With the crisis having the potential to last well beyond this year, putting direct marketing on hold is not a viable option. Instead direct marketing strategies need to evolve to embrace the reality of today’s world. Contact FGS to learn more!