Now that recreational marijuana in Big Rapids is now legal, more and more people are trying it for both medicinal and recreational purposes. If you want to try it for yourself, you may feel overwhelmed by the options. Learn more about the different types of marijuana you can buy at the dispensary.
Flower, or the buds from a cannabis plant, is the most traditional way to enjoy marijuana. Flower is typically categorized as an Indica, Sativa, or hybrid of the two, and there are a number of strains of flower. At a dispensary, you’ll be able to find some of the best strains available. You smoke it in a glass piece or papers. If you don’t know how to roll a join, consider buying pre-rolls that are already rolled for you.
Edibles are food infused with THC. You’ll find that most edibles are sweets, such as cookies or gummies, but just about anything can be made into an edible. Most people report a body high when eating edibles.
Concentrates are a potent, concentrated way of consuming THC. Wax and “dabs” require specialized equipment known as a rig. The THC oil can also be put in a vape pen. Concentrates are recommended for experienced imbibers. Not beginners.
Topicals are creams infused with THC or CBD. Topicals will provide a mild high or no high at all. They are used to treat mild pain as opposed to experiencing a high.
The High Quality recreational marijuana in Big Rapids is legal, it’s a great time to take advantage of the options available to you.